1. The king washed his land clean of its people
With water, when they came with evil knives
١. غَسَلَ المَليكُ بِلادَهُ مِن أَهلِها
بِالماءِ إِذ جاؤوا بِسوءِ شَنارِ
2. And it is said that Allah, glorified is His praise
Will one day purify His earth with fire
٢. وَيُقالُ إِنَّ اللَهَ جَلَّ ثَناؤُهُ
يَوماً يُطَهِّرُ أَرضَهُ بِالنارِ
3. How many Muslims worshiped passion, and I found them
In what is forbidden, like knotters of necklaces
٣. كَم مُسلِمٍ عَبَدَ الهَوى فَوَجَدتُهُ
فيما يُحِلُّ كَعاقِدِ الزُنّارِ
4. They lied when they claimed to be guided, yet all of them
Wander lost, without a guide or minaret
٤. كَذَبوا أَنِ اِدَّعَوا الهُدى فَجَميعُهُم
يَسعَونَ في تيهٍ بِغَيرِ مَنارِ
5. So flee with your religion from those people, for they
Fought you and fought over the golden dinar
٥. فَاِهرُب بِدينِكَ مِن أولَئِكَ إِنَّهُم
حَرَبوكَ وَاِحتَرِبوا عَلى الدينارِ