
The young man may go on pilgrimage and sing of a wedding

قد يحج الفتى ويغنى بعرس

1. The young man may go on pilgrimage and sing of a wedding
While he is still under the control of immaturity

١. قَد يَحُجُّ الفَتى وَيَغنى بِعِرسٍ
وَهوَ مِن صُرَّةِ اللُجَينِ صَرورَه

2. Wealth is like the full moon in darkness, it gives
What is right after needs are met

٢. بِدَرُ المالِ مِثلُ بَدرِ الدُجى يُم
حَقُ مِن بَعدِ أَن يَتِمَّ ضَرورَه

3. The pilgrimage, if undertaken by the weak
Is a duty whose rights are fulfilled

٣. حُجَّةٌ إِن أَقَمتَها لِضَعيفٍ
حِجَّةٌ في حُقوقِها مَبرورَه

4. O man, you are but like a mosquito
That goes in the morning to a rolled up rug

٤. أَيُّها المَرءُ إِنَّما أَنتَ كَالنَم
لَةِ تَغدو لِبُرَّةٍ مَجرورَه

5. God sends in the day and night
Continuous blessings and plentiful provision

٥. يَبعَثُ اللَهُ في نَهارٍ وَلَيلٍ
بَرَكاتٍ مِن رِزقِهِ مَدرورَه

6. The clothes of piety are not like clothes
Worn for show and vanity

٦. ما لِباسُ التَقوى عَلى الناسِ لَكِ
نَّ ثِياباً عَلى الخَنى مَزرورَه

7. Warm yourselves with calumny between apartments
And chambers, evil tongues cut short

٧. أَدفِئوا بِالطِعانِ بَينَ التَراقي
وَالحَوايا أَسِنَّةً مَقرورَه

8. You may meet with doves at dawn
Souls delighted with its morning

٨. قَد تُلاقي الحِمامَ في وَضَحِ اليَو
مِ نُفوسٌ بِصُبحِها مَسرورَه

9. And you see truth shine so you know
That those lives were deluded

٩. وَتَرى الحَقَّ يَستَنيرُ فَتَدري
أَنَّها في حَياتِها مَغرورَه