
I have experienced the wonders of this world and its inhabitants,

بلوت من هذه الدنيا وساكنها

1. I have experienced the wonders of this world and its inhabitants,
The end of the robe is patching,

١. بَلَوتُ مِن هَذِهِ الدُنيا وَساكِنِها
عَجائِباً وَاِنتِهاءُ الثَوبِ تَقديدُ

2. Stop your talk, you never bore a listener,
Is one ever bored of breathing over and over?

٢. رُدّي كَلامَكِ ما أَملَلتِ مُستَمِعاً
وَهَل يُمَلُّ مِنَ الأَنفاسِ تَرديدُ

3. The wailing of songs excites me,
As if it were the enumeration of bereaved women,

٣. هاجَت بُكايَ أَغانيُّ القِيانِ بِها
كَأَنَّها مِن ذَواتِ الثُكلِ تَعديدِ

4. And people on earth are types that are imitated,
Like the gift, adorned, not startled by threats,

٤. وَالناسُ في الأَرضِ أَجناسٌ مُقَلَّدَةٌ
كَالهَديِّ قُلِّدَ لَم يَذعَرهُ تَهديدُ

5. They said, so when they became senile, they showed audacity,
So the saying is soft, and in the voices reprimand,

٥. قالوا فَلَمّا أَحالوا أَظهَروا لَدَداً
فَالقَولُ مَينٌ وَفي الأَصواتِ تَنديدُ

6. They went astray from righteousness, among them a blatant unbeliever,
Or one who limits, and does God have limits?

٦. ضَلّوا عَنِ الرُشدِ مِنهُم جاحِدٌ جَحِدٌ
أَو مَن يَحُدُّ وَهَل لِلَّهِ تَحديدُ

7. A word scattered from a crack and bluntness,
And money is collected, unattainable dispersion,

٧. لَفظٌ يُبَدَّدُ مِن شَرخٍ وَمُكتَهِلٍ
وَالمالُ يُجَمَعُ لَم يَدرُكُهُ تَبديدُ

8. They threw but they missed, and their measurement did not establish
Anything but that the throwing of death is accurate,

٨. رَمَوا فَأَشوَوا وَلَم يُثبِت قِياسُهُمُ
شَيئاً سِوى أَنَّ رَميَ المَوتِ تَسديدُ

9. I knew no master but thunderous,
As if the basin, when faced with it, is thunder,

٩. ما سَيِّدٌ غَيرُ رِعديدٍ عَلِمتُ بِهِ
كَأَنَّما الحَتفُ إِن لاقاهُ رِعديدُ

10. And good brings evil, and flies called
To paradise, it is sweet in taste,

١٠. وَالخَيرُ يَجلُبُ شَرّاً وَالذُبابُ دَعا
إِلى الجَنى إِنَّهُ في الطَعمِ قِنديدُ

11. And I thought I was the silent stop letter,
A time, and it reached it in that emphasis,

١١. وَخِلتُ أَنِيَ حَرفُ الوَقفِ سَكَّنَهُ
وَقتٌ وَأَدرَكَهُ في ذاكَ تَشديدُ

12. And the best of people in his highest ranks,
Is like rust, but it is said to be tin,

١٢. وَأَشرَفُ الناسِ في أَعلى مَراتِبِهِ
مِثلُ الصَديدِ وَلَكِن قيلَ صِنديدُ

13. His bigness and heavy tone prevents him
From quickly understanding, dictation and extension,

١٣. ما كِبرُهُ وَثَقيلُ اللَحنِ يَمنَعُهُ
مِن سُرعَةِ الفَهمِ تَرسيلٌ وَتَمديدُ