1. This era's malady rejects all remedy
And its foot, I see, is an impure disease
١. داءُ هَذا الأَنامِ لا يَقبَلُ الطِبَّ
وَقِدماً أَراهُ داءً نَجيسا
2. A thought that embellished for some folks affairs
So they permitted vulgarity and vileness
٢. فِكَرٌ حَسَّنَت لِقَومٍ أُموراً
فَاِستَجازوا التَهويدَ وَالتَمجيسا
3. A group who turned wine-cups into idols
And people who cast at it impurity
٣. مَعشَرٌ صَيَّروا المُدامَةَ قُربا
ناً وَناسٌ أَلقوا بِها التَنجيسا
4. Many a stead as if it were a star in glory
Came to it the doubt of time, so it was degraded
٤. رُبَّ رَبعٍ كَأَنَّهُ النُجمُ في العِزِّ
أَتاهُ رَيبُ الزَمانِ فَجيسا
5. And the youth is not safe from time's injury
Even if his person were an armored fortress
٥. وَالفَتى غَيرُ آمِنٍ مِن أَذى الدَه
رِ وَلَو كانَ شَخصُهُ البِرجيسا