
We people of this age are foolish

إنا معاشر هذا الخلق في سفه

1. We people of this age are foolish
As if we differ in morals

١. إِنّا مَعاشِرَ هَذا الخَلقِ في سَفَهٍ
حَتّى كَأَنّا عَلى الأَخلاقِ نَختَلِفُ

2. When men lack wisdom's guidance
They are like women, flawed and defective

٢. إِنَّ الرِجالَ إِذا لَم يَحمِها رَشَدٌ
مِثلُ النِساءِ عَراها الخُلفُ وَالخُلُفُ

3. Don't you see the plural of what is irrational
Is the plural feminine, with ta and alif

٣. أَلا تَرى جَمعَ ما لا عَقلَ يُسنِدُهُ
جَمعَ المُؤَنَّثِ فيهِ التاءُ وَالأَلِفُ

4. And people of nobility are described
As haughty, with conceit up their noses

٤. وَيوصَفُ القَومُ في العَلياءِ أَنَّهُمُ
شُمُّ الأُنوفِ وَفي آنافِهِم ذَلَفُ

5. How many a brother isn't close to his brother
Not joined like the eye, without kha or affinity

٥. كَم مِن أَخٍ بِأَخيهِ غَيرَ مُتَّصِلٍ
كَالعَينِ لَيسَت بِلَفظِ الخاءِ تَأتَلِفُ

6. Take care lest your affairs fall apart
For people's utmost aim in life is gain

٦. تَلافَ أَمرَكَ مِن قِبَلِ التَلافِ بِهِ
فَغايَةُ الناسِ في دُنياهُمُ التَلَفُ

7. And if you come in disgrace, don't speak
The words of transgressors, "the predecessors did thus"

٧. وَلا تَقولَن إِذا ما جِئتَ مُخزِيَةً
قَولَ الغُواةِ عَلى هَذا مَضى السَلَفُ

8. Swear not falsely or truly
For nought avails you but sin in oaths

٨. لا تَحلِفَنَّ عَلى صِدقٍ وَلا كَذِبٍ
فَما يُفيدُكَ إِلّا المَأثَمَ الحَلِفُ

9. But for my fear God will question me
About what I did, pretense would be little

٩. لَولا حِذارِيَ أَنَّ اللَهَ يَسأَلُني
عَمّا فَعَلتُ لَقَلَّت عِندِيَ الكُلَفُ

10. We were youths, but length of days
Has left us graybeards and stooping

١٠. كُنّا فُتوّاً فَقَد مُدَّ البَقاءُ لَنا
حَتّى غَدَونا وَمِنّا الشَيبُ وَالدُلُفُ

11. Time passes and breaths of people
Hasten steps toward destined ends

١١. يَفنى الزَمانُ وَأَنفاسُ الأَنامُ لَهُ
خُطىً بِهِنَّ إِلى الآجالِ يَزدَلِفُ

12. The mother of Dafar, his horse went astray
I treated her harshly, the due of the deserter

١٢. وَأُمُّ دَفرٍ فَروكٌ وافَقَت صَلَفاً
مِنّي وَكانَ جَزاءَ الفارِكِ الصَلَفُ

13. How I laughed at her frowning
Then thought better, and love and grace went

١٣. وَكَم ضَحِكتُ إِلَيها وَهِيَ عابِسَةٌ
ثُمَّ اِفتَكَرتُ فَزالَ الحُبُّ وَالكَلَفُ

14. People are of four kinds; when united
They turn to seven dispositions distinct

١٤. وَالناسُ مِن أَربَعٍ شَتّى إِذا اِئتَلَفَت
رُدَّت إِلى سَبعَةٍ في الحُكمِ تَختَلِفُ

15. Read my words when earth covers my body
For they are from one who came after

١٥. إِقرَأ كَلامي إِذا ضَمَّ الثَرى جَسَدي
فَإِنَّهُ لَكَ مِمَّن قالَهُ خَلَفُ