
The minds of a people have rusted; can they be polished?

لقد صدئت أفهام قوم فهل لها

1. The minds of a people have rusted; can they be polished?
And swords need sharpening.

١. لَقَد صَدِئَت أَفهامُ قَومٍ فَهَل لَها
صِقالٌ وَيَحتاجُ الحُسامُ إِلى الصَقلِ

2. How the world has deceived its people!
I dislike the company of people; they gossip and babble.

٢. وَكَم غَرَّتِ الدُنيا بَنيها وَساءَني
مَعَ الناسِ مَينٌ في الأَحاديثِ وَالنَقلِ

3. I will follow those who call to good, striving,
And leave it when my only leader is my intellect.

٣. سَأَتبَعُ مَن يَدعو إِلى الخَيرِ جاهِداً
وَأَرحَلُ عَنها ما إِمامي سِوى عَقلي

4. When it sends me off, not to return,
I will leave it with the burden it loaded on me.

٤. إِذا جَهَّزَتني غائِباً غَيرَ آيِبٍ
تَرَكتُ لَها ما حَمَّلَتني مِنَ الثِقلِ

5. Changer of conditions, breaker of strengths,
Binder of shackles, restrainer of intellects.

٥. مُغَيَّرَةُ الحالاتِ ناقِضَةُ القُوى
مُوَثَّقَةُ الأَغلالِ مُحكَمَةُ العُقُلِ

6. The souls whispered to each other in the heat after
The spears had whispered to each other in the time of cooking greens.

٦. تَواصَت بِها الأَرواحُ في القَيظِ بَعدَما
تَناصَت بِها الأَرماحُ في زَمَنِ البَقلِ

7. And whoever judges things by proof,
To him are equal those he loves and those he dislikes.

٧. وَمَن كانَ في الأَشياءِ يَحكُمُ بِالحِجى
تَساوى لَدَيهِ مَن يُحِبُّ وَمَن يَقلي