1. She shed the blood of the feeble, yet she did not complain,
While the shedding of the blood of strong men is complained of.
١. سَفَكَت دَمَ الدِنانِ وَما تَشَكَّت
وَيُشكى مِن دَمِ الأَقوامِ سَفكُ
2. May you be excused for desiring an easy life,
When men, sons of Eve, are lightweights.
٢. أَعِفَّكَ عَن يَسارٍ تَبتَغيهِ
رِجالٌ مِن بَني حَوّاءَ عُفكُ
3. The turning of the winds from a strange matter
Of which it is reported that the people of earth are lightweights,
٣. لَفَكُّ الريحِ عَن أَمرٍ عَجيبٍ
يُخَبَّرُ أَنَّ أَهلَ الأَرضِ لُفكُ
4. When they turn in disbelief, do not accept it, and distinguish,
For most of what they attributed to you is falsehood.
٤. إِذا أَفِكوا فَلا تَقبَل وَمَيِّز
فَأَكثَرُ ماجَلَوهُ عَلَيكَ إِفكُ