
When a youth is alone, trust is placed in him

إذا انفرد الفتى أمنت عليه

1. When a youth is alone, trust is placed in him
Worldly matters that company does not make one safe from

١. إِذا اِنفَرَدَ الفَتى أُمِنَت عَلَيهِ
دَنايا لَيسَ يُؤمِنُها الخِلاطُ

2. No lies are told, no slander,
No mistakes feared, no blunders.

٢. فَلا كَذِبٌ يُقالُ وَلا نَميمٌ
وَلا غَلَطٌ يُخافُ وَلا غِلاطُ

3. And how often a man rises from among a people
Yet in his guidance is naught but shameful disgrace.

٣. وَكَم نَهَضَ اِمرُؤٌ مِن بَينِ قَومٍ
وَفي هاديهِ مِن خِزيٍ عِلاطُ