1. Your opposition to some people is hoped to bring about wishes
And in life there are folks whose opposition is wisdom
١. خِلافُكَ بَعضَ الناسِ يُرجى بِهِ المُنى
وَفي الدَهرِ أَقوامٌ خِلافُهُمُ حَزمُ
2. So break your fast when they fast and fast when they break it
Out of experience, for the remedy is to be contrary
٢. فَأَفطِر إِذا صاموا وَصُم عِندَ فِطرِهِم
عَلى خِبرَةٍ إِنَّ الدَواءَ هُوَ الأَزمُ
3. And if the young man's time had not been right when nearly
He would not have firmly decided to abandon life
٣. وَلَو لَم يَسِر وَقتُ الفَتى وَهوَ موشِكٌ
لَما صَحَّ في هَجرِ الحَياةِ لَهُ عَزمُ
4. Oh, subdue these souls, for they are
Vile she-camels that cannot be controlled by resolve
٤. أَلا ذَلِّلوا هَذي النُفوسَ فَإِنَّها
رَكائِبُ سوءٍ لَيسَ يَضبِطُها الحَزمُ
5. And no fair arbitrator has come in the ancient world
Nor will he come, but our injustices are certain
٥. وَلَم يَأتِ في الدُنيا القَديمَةِ مُنصِفٌ
وَلا هُوَ آتٍ بل تَظالُمِنا جَزمُ