
I have come back to the abode of afflictions, compelled,

وردت إلى دار المصائب مجبرا

1. I have come back to the abode of afflictions, compelled,
And I have found myself in it - moving does not please me.

١. وَرَدتُ إِلى دارِ المَصائِبِ مُجبَراً
وَأَصبَحتُ فيها لَيسَ يُعجِبُني النَقلُ

2. I suffer evils that have no equal,
And innate meannesses that are not refined by polishing.

٢. أُعاني شُروراً لا قِوامَ بِمِثلِها
وَأَدناسَ طَبعٍ لا يُهَذِّبُهُ الصَقلُ

3. Clouds for irrigation and clouds of debasement,
And a growth of people like the growth of vegetables.

٣. سَحائِبُ لِلسُقيا وَسُحبٌ مِنَ الرَدى
وَنَبتُ أُناسٍ مِثلَ ما نَبَتَ البَقلُ

4. And for the living there is sustenance from what his effort brings him,
And intellect - but intellect does not benefit him.

٤. وَلِلحَيِّ رِزقٌ مِمّا أَتاهُ بِسَعيهِ
وَعَقلٌ وَلَكِن لَيسَ يَنفَعُهُ العَقلُ