
I advise you not to marry, if you fear sin,

نصحتك لا تنكح فإن خفت مأثما

1. I advise you not to marry, if you fear sin,
So get engaged and do not consummate, for that is more prudent,

١. نَصَحتُكَ لا تَنكِح فَإِن خِفتَ مَأثَماً
فَأَعرِس وَلا تُنسِل فَذَلِكَ أَحزَمُ

2. I think you are heading with your weak heart,
Which would release you from the tied knot of determined marriage,

٢. أَظُنُّكَ مِن ضُعفٍ بِلُبِّكَ غادِياً
يَحُلُّكَ مِن عِقدِ الزَواجِ المُعَزِّمُ

3. To God went my first inclination
Calling to Christianity or murmuring as a Magus,

٣. إِلى اللَهِ نَصِّت رَغبَةً أَوَّلِيَّةً
نَصارى تُنادي أَو مَجوسٌ تُزَمزِمُ

4. It is the share of the camel of the Bedouin that walked with its nose,
The people of Khuzama and the lute wood is subjugated with humiliation,

٤. هُوَ الحَظُّ عَيرُ البيدِ سافَ بِأَنفِهِ
خُزامى وَأَنفُ العَودِ بِالذِلِّ يُخزَمُ

5. And the egg white of a female does not defeat the yolk of its chick,
Like the egg white of males defeated by iron,

٥. وَما بَيضُ أُنثى يَهزِمُ القَيضَ فَرخَهُ
كَبَيضِ ذُكورٍ بِالحَديدِ يُهَزَّمُ

6. Blessed are the rivers of the countries, waters flowing,
And exclusivity went to the salty Zamzam,

٦. تَبارَكتَ أَنهارُ البِلادِ سَوائِحٌ
بِعَذبٍ وَخُصَّت بِالمُلوحَةِ زَمزَمُ

7. You rose above the people, Lord, above all doubt,
As if we are compelled to come to condolences,

٧. تَعالَيتَ رَبَّ الناسِ عَن كُلِّ ريبَةٍ
كَأَنّا بِإِتيانِ المَآتِمِ نُلزَمُ

8. And bodies are lifted and erected once,
And lowered into this dust and bundled up,

٨. وَتُرفَعُ أَجسادٌ وَتُنصَبُ مَرَّةً
وَتُخفَضُ في هَذا التُرابِ وَتُجزَمُ

9. Instincts, its grandfather Rabia gave it,
And musical tones that tempted the soft sand grouse,

٩. غَرائِزُ أَعطاها رَبيعَةَ جَدُّهُ
وَشِنشِنَةٌ أَغرى بِها النَجلَ أَخزَمُ

10. And an incident, as for the Thrall with its burden,
And its beauty, and the myrtle, so it was bundled up,

١٠. وَحادِثَةٌ أَمّا الثُرَيّا بِعِبئِها
وَأَينُقِها وَالمِرزَمانِ فُرَزَّمُ

11. A life, if I had chosen it with my will,
My fingers would not stop being bundled up.

١١. حَياةٌ لَو اِنّي بِاِختِياري وَرَدتُها
لَما فَتِئَت مِنّي الأَنامِلُ تُؤزَمُ