1. By my life, the young man slept away from his goal
Until death came to him while he was resting
١. لَعَمري لَقَد نامَ الفَتى عَن حِمامِهِ
إِلى أَن أَتاهُ حَتفُهُ مُتَوَسِّنا
2. When you do good, make it sincere
For your Lord, and restrain tongues from praising you
٢. إِذا ما فَعَلتَ الخَيرَ فَاِجعَلهُ خالِصاً
لِرَبِّكَ وَاِزجُر عَن مَديحِكَ أَلسُنا
3. For you being in this life an affliction
Which consoles you that you excel and do good
٣. فَكَونُكَ في هَذي الحَياةِ مُصيبَةٌ
يُعَزّيكَ عَنها أَن تَبُرَّ وَتُحسِنا