
Oppression of the weak, and seizing of property

ظلم مستضعف وأخذ مكوس

1. Oppression of the weak, and seizing of property
And a life in a twisted world

١. ظُلمُ مُستَضعَفٍ وَأَخذُ مُكوسِ
وَحَياةٌ في عالَمٍ مَنكوسِ

2. Exalted is the Lord of mankind, Zaid is like Amr
And the brother of righteousness is not broken

٢. جَلَّ رَبُّ الأَنامِ زَيدٌ كَعَمروٍ
وَأَخو البِرِّ لَيسَ بِالمَوكوسِ

3. And so the ember, just like stoning, has passed away
With an altered and reversed utterance

٣. وَكَذا الجَمرُ مِثلُهُ الرَجمُ قَد مِيَ
زَ بِلَفظٍ مُغَيَّرٍ مَعكوسِ