
The sultan has no authority unless he is seen

لا شام للسلطان إلا أن يرى

1. The sultan has no authority unless he is seen
How good is the Bedouin life, like the running ostrich

١. لا شامَ لِلسُلطانِ إِلّا أَن يُرى
نَعمُ البَداوَةِ كَالنَعامِ الطارِدِ

2. And the desert dwellers have sweet water
Like undrinkable wine for the newcomer

٢. وَيَكونَ لِلبادينَ عَذبُ مِياهِهِ
مِثلَ المُدامَةِ لا تَحِلُّ لِوارِدِ

3. And some verses remain for them, poetically
Like houses of hair amidst the deserted lands

٣. وَتَظَلُّ أَبياتٌ لَهُم شَعَريّةٌ
كَبُيوتِ شِعرٍ في البِلادِ شَوارِدِ

4. And a king rises among the people, as though he is
A king who suppresses the refractory demon

٤. وَيَقومُ مَلِكٌ في الأَنامِ كَأَنَّهُ
مَلِكٌ يُبَرِّحُ بِالخَبيثِ المارِدِ

5. The work of the hands is killing every opponent
With the sword that strikes with cold iron

٥. صَنَعُ اليَدَينِ بِقَتلِ كُلِّ مُخالِفٍ
بِالسَيفِ يُضرَبُ بِالحَديدِ البارِدِ

6. They said a just imam will rule us
He will see our enemies with a piercing arrow

٦. قالوا سَيَملِكُنا إِمامٌ عادِلٌ
يَري أَعادينا بِسَهمٍ صارِدِ

7. And the land is the abode of wickedness and grudges
It has never allowed the joy of a wide day

٧. وَالأَرضُ مَوطِنُ شِرَّةٍ وَضَغائِنٍ
ما أَسمَحَت بِسُرورِ يَومٍ فَارِدِ

8. If only it had a surveyor like the buyer
Who gives prosperity, and a scribe like Mercury

٨. وَلَو أَنَّ فيها ناظِراً كَالمُشتَري
يُعطي السَعودَ وَكاتِباً كَعُطارِدِ