
Bow to your Lord in your day and prostrate yourself

إركع لربك في نهارك واسجد

1. Bow to your Lord in your day and prostrate yourself
And when you can stay up late praying, then do so

١. إِركَع لِرَبِّكَ في نَهارِكَ وَاِسجُدِ
وَمَتى أَطَقتَ تَهَجُّداً فَتَهَجَّدِ

2. And when pure goodness overflows, then take part
Race the generous horse and keep your eyes glorified

٢. وَإِذا غَلا البُرُّ النَقِيُّ فَشارِكِ ال
فَرَسَ الكَريمَ وَساوِ طِرفَكَ تَمجُدِ

3. Make for yourself from the radiance of its smoothness
Some licorice and a bit of sweet gum for yourself

٣. وَاِجعَل لِنَفسِكَ مِن سَليطِ ضِيائِها
أُدماً وَنَزرَ حَلاوَةٍ مِن عُنجُدِ

4. Draw with the potter's clay your drink - do not reject
The glass cup nor the vessel of tin

٤. وَاِرسُم بِفَخّارِ شَرابَكَ لاتُرِد
قَدَحَ اللُجَينِ وَلا إِناءَ العَسجَدِ

5. Your summer clothes will be enough to cover you
And if you winter, then a piece of fur will do

٥. يَكفيكَ صَيفَكَ مِن ثِيابِكَ ساتِرٌ
وَإِذا شَتَوتَ فَقِطعَةٌ مِن بُرجُدِ

6. I forbid you to pursue leadership or to see
The alliance of oratory or leading the mosque

٦. أَنهاكَ أَن تَلِيَ الحُكومَةَ أَو تَرى
حِلفَ الخَطابَةِ أَو إِمامَ المَسجِدِ

7. Leave ruling and your taking a position
In Egypt - as if it were the sword of Al-Munjid

٧. وَذَرِ الإِمارَةَ وَاِتِّخاذَكَ دِرَّةً
في المِصرِ يَحسَبُها حُسامَ المُنجِدِ

8. I hated those matters for my relatives
And friends - so be stingy with yourself or be generous

٨. تِلكَ الأُمورُ كَرِهتُها لِأَقارِبٍ
وَأَصادِقٍ فَابخَل بِنَفسِكَ أَو جُدِ

9. And I found the loyalty of a people to be artificial
So turn your loyalty to the Ancient Creator

٩. وَلَقَد وَجَدتُ وَلاءَ قَومٍ سُبَّةً
فَاِصرِف وَلاءَكَ لِلقَديمِ الموجِدِ

10. And let your wedding be adorned with piety, for its system
Is better for it than pearls and peridot

١٠. وَلِتَحلَ عِرسُكَ بِالتُقى فَنِظامُهُ
أَسنى لَها مِن لُؤلُؤٍ وَزَبَرجَدِ

11. All glorify, so understand the sanctification in
The voice of the raven and the screech of the lark

١١. كُلٌّ يَسبَحُ فَاِفهَمِ التَقديسَ في
صَوتِ الغُرابِ وَفي صُياحِ الجُدجُدِ

12. And lower yourself in the most precious district
For the graves are no place for the glorious

١٢. وَاِنزِل بِعِرضِكَ في أَعَزِّ مَحَلَّةٍ
فَالغَورُ لَيسَ بِمَوطِنٍ لِلمُنجِدِ