
Fate divides fortune, a man lived happy, with no complaints

الحظ يقسم عاش بشر ما اشتكى

1. Fate divides fortune, a man lived happy, with no complaints
Though blind, yet blessed with life, like flowers in spring.

١. الحَظُّ يُقسَمُ عاشَ بِشرٌ ما اِشتَكى
نَظَراً وَعُمِّرَ أَكمَهاً بَشّارُ

2. Events can protect us or cause us harm,
Bringing problems and solutions in their wing.

٢. وَهيَ الحَوادِثُ عُوَّذٌ وَلَواقِحٌ
وَشَوائِلٌ وَحَوائِلٌ وَعِشارُ

3. Many a palace of bliss becomes a house of grief,
Once envied, now pitied, such twistings does fortune bring.

٣. كَم شُرنَ مِن أَريٍ يَكونُ مَقيلُهُ
ثَغراً يُشارُ لَهُ وَلَيسَ يُشارُ

4. Poverty is death, though we hope sustenance will come,
Through charity life flows for the perishing.

٤. وَالفَقرُ مَوتٌ غَيرَ أَنَّ حَليفَهُ
يُرجى لَهُ بِتَمَوُّلٍ إِنشارُ

5. We see labor as lowly, yet to dust we shall return,
As these bodies to earth their spirits will wing.

٥. وَنَرى مُباشَرَةَ التُرابِ مَهانَةً
وَإِلَيهِ تَرجِعُ هَذِهِ الأَبشارُ

6. One hoards wealth, gives no alms, thus no gain comes his way,
When vines are untended, no fruit will they bring.

٦. قَد ضَنَّ مَن رُزِقَ الغِنى بِزَكاتِهِ
وَغَدا فَلا فَلحٌ وَلا تِعشارُ

7. Gives less than a tenth of his riches away,
So life's waters dry up, no comfort they bring.

٧. لَم يُعطِ رُبعَ العُشرِ مِن أَوراقِهِ
فَتُرامَ مِن سَقيِ الحَيا أَعشارُ