1. The earth is as though into it
Was diffused sweet scent from its flowers' incense.
١. كَأَنَّما الأَرضُ شاعَ فيها
مِن طيبِ أَزهارِها بَخورُ
2. The trees, the herbage, and water and rocks
Hymned their Lord in accord and shared the chorus.
٢. أَثنَت عَلى رَبِّها السَواري
وَالنَبتُ وَالماءُ وَالصُخورُ
3. While we on the soil a burden are,
And all but sink 'neath us the land.
٣. وَنَحنُ فَوقَ التُرابِ ثِقلٌ
يَكادُ مِن تَحتِنا يَخورُ
4. Do not boast; all boasting
To God belongs: vainglory made the boaster hang his head in shame.
٤. لا تَفتَخِر إِنَّ كُلَّ فَخرٍ
لِلَّهِ وَاِستَعجَمَ الفَخورُ
5. See you not that the Mother of Ruin
Is like her gods were subdued?
٥. أَلا تَرى أَنَّ أُمَّ دَفرٍ
كَأَنَّها آلُها السَخورُ