1. I'm amazed by a drinker with an empty glass
Whose mind is blocked by iron walls
١. عَجِبتُ لِشارِبٍ بِزُجاجِ راحٍ
دُوَينَ العَقلِ سُدءاً مِن حَديدِ
2. He didn't need any drops to help him
Nor was he a man of mighty hands
٢. وَلَم يَحتَج إِلى عَونٍ بِقَطرٍ
وَلَم يَكُ صاحِبَ الأَيدِ الشَديدِ
3. He saw the sun of wine setting in it
And rising in a new cup
٣. رَأى شَمسَ المُدامِ تَغورُ فيهِ
وَتَطلُعُ في ذُرى قَدَحٍ جَديدِ
4. Staying without travel, self-satisfied
With the abundance of plentiful wine
٤. مُقيماً غَيرَ ذي سَفَرٍ تَكَفّا
بِنَدمانيهِ مِن جَمِّ العَديدِ
5. Like the two-horned one, but this one strayed
While that was guided by sound reason
٥. كَذي القِرنَينِ لَكِن ضَلَّ هَذا
وَيُسَّرَ ذاكَ لِلرَأي السَديدِ