
If you wish to transcend your wall one time

إذا شئت أن ترقى جدارك مرة

1. If you wish to transcend your wall one time
For some matter, then first notify your neighbor

١. إِذا شِئتَ أَن تَرقى جِدارَكَ مَرَّةً
لِأَمرٍ فَآذِن جارَ بَيتِكَ مِن قَبلُ

2. And do not surprise him with your rising, lest
The young man be stricken by your violating his privacy

٢. وَلا تَفجَأَنهُ بِالطُلوعِ فَرُبَّما
أَصابَ الفَتى مِن هَتكِ جارَتِهِ خَبَلُ

3. And man continues to be tempted by his imaginings
And his gait until he walked bound in shackles

٣. وَمازالَ يَفتَنُّ اِمرُؤٌ في اِختِيالِهِ
وَفي مَشيهِ حَتّى مَشى وَلَهُ كَبلُ

4. Verily the path of good for a man is clear
Until a day he settles, then the paths are cut off

٤. وَإِِنَّ سَبيلَ الخَيرِ لِلمَرءِ واضِحٌ
إِلى يَومٍ يَقضي ثُمَّ تَنقَطِعُ السُبُل

5. And he hears the words of men blaming him
While arrows in their settling are lighter than them

٥. وَيَسمَعُ أَقوالَ الرِجالِ تُعيبُهُ
وَأَهوَنُ مِنها في مَواقِعِها النَبلُ

6. He visits the abodes of beautiful women against their will
And departs from them while his heart within him melts

٦. يَحُلُّ دِيارَ المُندِياتِ بِرُغمِهِ
وَيَرحَلُ عَنها وَالفُؤادُ بِهِ تَبلُ

7. When the pleasures of life have passed and withered
The grown hyena asks not what the cub has done

٧. إِذا مُسَكُ العَيشِ اِنقَضَت وَتَقَضَّبَت
فَما يَسأَلُ الضِرغامُ ما فَعَلَ الشِبلُ

8. I clung to the rope of life for fifty pilgrimages
So it frayed until it almost snapped

٨. عَلِقتُ بِحَبلِ العُمرِ خَمسينَ حِجَّةً
فَقَد رَثَّ حَتّى كادَ يَنصَرِمُ الحَبلُ

9. Does rainfall descending on shifting sands avail
When the clouds have cruelly withheld their gift?

٩. وَهَل يَنفَعُ الطَلُّ الَّذي هُوَ نازِلٌ
بِذاتِ رِمالٍ عِندَما جَحَدَ الوَبلُ