1. This is a path of guidance, not of love
That pleases both companion and friend
١. هَذا طَريقٌ لِلهُدى لا حِبُ
يَرضى بِهِ المَصحوبُ وَالصاحِبُ
2. I flee from people, and if I go to them
I'm like a mirage dragged by the mirage-maker
٢. أَهرُب مِنَ الناسِ فَإِن جِئتُهُم
فَمِثلَ سَأبٍ جَرَّهُ الساحِبُ
3. People benefit from what he has
While he is shrunken among them
٣. يَنتَفِعُ الناسُ بِما عِندَهُ
وَهوَ لَقىً بَينَهُم شاحِبُ