
I am amazed at the silk garment, yet

عجبت لملبوس الحرير وإنما

1. I am amazed at the silk garment, yet
Its fringes seem like the flirtations of young gazelles

١. عَجِبتُ لِمَلبوسِ الحَريرِ وَإِنَّما
بَدَت كَبُنَيّاتِ النَقيعِ غَوازِلُه

2. And the honey its collector gathers while humming
Like the lies of rain whose trails were not lost

٢. وَلَلشَّهدِ يَجني أَريَهُ مُتَرَنَّمٌ
كَذِبانِ غَيثٍ لَم تُضَيَّع جَوازِلُه

3. As if this full moon, its light has faded
And its vestiges and abodes have been erased

٣. كَأَنّي بِهَذا البَدرِ قَد زالَ نورُهُ
وَقَد دَرَسَت آثارُهُ وَمَنازِلُه

4. Was it by decree of your God, arising
To whisper its secret, so it flirts with it

٤. أَكانَ بِحُكمٍ مِن إِلهِكَ ناشِئاً
يُعاطي الثُرَيّا سِرَّهُ فَتُغازِلُه

5. It travels by the destiny of the King to an end
But neither does it reach it, nor does its journey cease

٥. يَسيرُ بِتَقديرِ المَليكِ لِغايَةٍ
فَلا هُوَ آتيها وَلا السَيرُ هازِلُه

6. Do not these sleeping in solitude see us
Sleeping in desolation, the desert their comrade?

٦. أَلا هَل رَأَت هَذي الفَراقِدُ رُمِيَنا
فَراقِدَ في وَحشٍ رَعى الوَحشَ آزِلُه

7. If it senses old age like a planet,
No burial ground does its lodging frequent

٧. فَإِن كانَ حَسّاساً مِنَ الشُهُبِ كَوكَبٌ
فَما ريعَ مِن قَبرٍ تَبَوَّأَ نازِلُه

8. When will a star take charge of the earth? For it
Endures a time, then your Lord deposes it

٨. مَتّى يَتَوَلّى الأَرضَ نِجمٌ فَإِنَّهُ
يَدومُ زَماناً ثُمَّ رَبُّكَ عازِلُه

9. They are two young men of fate passing the youth
Had he been firm mountains, its quakes would shake him

٩. هُما فَتَيا دَهرٍ يَمُرّانِ بِالفَتى
فَلَو عُدَّ هَضبٌ غَيَّرَتهُ زَلازِلُه

10. Like the oaths of a cave, each day and night
To family or wealth its calamities aspire

١٠. كَحِلفَي مُغارٍ كُلَّ يَومٍ وَلَيلَةٍ
عَلى الآلِ أَو في المالِ تَرغو بَوازِلُه