1. No foot was moved, no hand outstretched
Except by destiny's command.
١. ما حُرِّكَت قَدَمٌ وَلا بُسِطَت يَدٌ
إِلّا لَها سَبَبٌ مِنَ المِقدارِ
2. Speeches are equal where the sons of Muharriq
And the Kings of Persia and the horde of Qudar,
٢. خَطبٌ تَساوى فيهِ آلُ مُحَرِّقٍ
وَمُلوكُ ساسانٍ وَرَهطُ قُدارِ
3. Are concerned. A young man may know how many days
Of his life he has lived, and how many remain for him
٣. يَدري الفَتى كَم عاشَ مِن أَيّامِهِ
يَوماً وَما هُوَ كَم يَعيشُ بِداري
4. In his abode. But my knowledge of where my fortune lies
Is as obscure as the grave, as the heart's mysteries.
٤. وَتَجوزُ مَعرِفَتي بِمَسقِطِ هامَتي
في الوِردِ بِالقَبرِ في الإِصدارِ
5. Two abodes: as for this one, it is hateful,
Utterly; of that other world no reports have reached us.
٥. دارانِ أَمّا هَذِهِ فَمُسيئَةٌ
جِدّاً وَلا خَبَرٌ لِتِلكَ الدارِ
6. No courier has come to us from it, in frantic haste,
That we might ask him of the strange, new dwelling place.
٦. ما جاءَ مِنها وافِدٌ مُتَسَرِّعٌ
فَنَقولُ لِلنَّبإِ الجَديدِ بَدارِ
7. Empires are confirmed for those long settled there,
And Laila is exposed, without her veil.
٧. وَالمُلكُ ثُبِّتَ لِلقَديمِ وَأُبرِزَت
بِلقيسُ عارِيَةً بِغَيرِ صِدارِ
8. Many are the bodies, worthy of the dust,
That have returned to dust, plastered on a wall.
٨. وَلَرُبَّ أَجسادٍ جَديراتِ الثَرى
بِالصَونِ عادَت في طَلاءِ جِدارِ
9. A body, if its parts once separate,
Cannot avoid its destiny's decree.
٩. جَسَدٌ تَوى إِن تَفتَرِق أَجزاؤُهُ
لَم تَنأَ عَن فَلَكٍ عَلَيهِ مُدارِ
10. And when the rounds of wealth left it bare,
Did not your Fortune show unchanging constancy?
١٠. وَإِذا بُدورُ المالِ هِبتَ مَحاقَها
فَهِلالٌ مَجدِكَ غَيرُ ذي إِبدارِ