
The meteors, glorified by the King and supported

الشهب عظمها المليك ونصها

1. The meteors, glorified by the King and supported
For all worlds, so glorifying them is obligatory

١. الشُهُبُ عَظَّمَها المَليكُ وَنَصَّها
لِلعالَمينَ فَواجِبٌ إِعظامُها

2. And I see life, though it sings passionately of its love
Like a chain that surrounds you, its system brings suffering

٢. وَأَرى الحَياةَ وَإِنّ لَهَجَت بِحُبِّها
كَالسِلكِ طَوَّقَكَ الأَذاةَ نِظامُها