
The youth of springtime died long ago

لقد مات جني الصبا منذ برهة

1. The youth of springtime died long ago
And my heart refuses all but grief's return

١. لَقَد ماتَ جَنِيُّ الصِبا مُنذُ بُرهَةٍ
وَتَأبى عِفارِيَ القَلبِ غَيرَ مَرودِ

2. Time passed, time passed, though the mother of exile slowed it
How often has it revived a folk come the morrow of departure?

٢. أَمَرَّت وَأَمرَت أُمُّ دَفرٍ وَإِن حَلَت
فَكَم حَلَأَت قَوماً غَداةَ وَرودِ

3. I drank a draught that left no burning thirst
And from my shoulder cast the best of cloaks

٣. شرِبتُ بُروداً لَم يَدَع نارَ غُلَّةٍ
وَعَن مَنكِبي أَلقَيتُ خَيرَ بُرودِ

4. If the scant hoariness of age brought no profit
It was the opposite of scanty, a streaming flood

٤. فَإِنَ قتَيرَ الشَيبِ لَم يَحمِ جانِباً
فَكانَ بِعَكسٍ مِن قَتيرٍ سَرودِ

5. Raise me up, for I please not those who praise me
Turn me back, for I fear not the threat of refusal

٥. أَقيمي فَإِنّي لا رَقيمِيَ مُعجِبي
وَرودي فَإِنّي لا أَهَشُّ لِرُوَدِ

6. I live nobly in this world without disgrace
Showing openly a face bound by duty's rein

٦. أَعَزُّ بَني الدُنِّيا بِغَيرِ مَذَلَّةٍ
مُبينُ وَجاً مِنها فَقيدُ شُرودِ

7. With lofty Acacias, those who dwell in Acacia
And the twisted trunks, people of Sarwad

٧. بِعَقّاقَةٍ أَهلَ العَقيقِ وَمَنعَجٍ
وَزَرادَةٍ بِالحَتفِ أَهلَ زَرودِ

8. The bracelets' jingle and the anklets' chime in the gloaming
Praising a Lord who created them with grace

٨. فُرودُ السَواري وَالتَوائِمُ في الدُجى
تُقِرُّ لِرَبٍّ صاغَها بِفُرودِ