1. The Creator commanded, so accept what He ordered
And thank Allah, for obedience is pleasant
١. أَمَرَ الخالِقُ فَاِقبَل ما أَمَر
وَاِشكُرِ اللَهَ إِنِ العَذبُ أَمَر
2. Conceal your fears, and seldom reveal
The eye has barely seen the extent of life before it withers
٢. أَضمِرِ الخيفَةَ وَاِضمِر قَلَّما
أَحرَزَ الطَرفُ المَدى حَتّى ضَمَر
3. O atheist, do not disobey the prohibitions
For logic has been proven and persisted
٣. أَيُّها المُلحِدُ لا تَعصِ النُهى
فَلَقَد صَحَّ قِياسٌ وَاِستَمَرّ
4. If you count in the body a lifetime for its spirit
It is but a quarter minus then lived
٤. إِن تَعُد في الجِسمِ يَوماً رَوحُهُ
فَهُوَ كَالرَبعِ خَلا ثُمَّ عَمَر
5. And this world, its harm is endless
Groups arriving after groups
٥. وَهِيَ الدُنِّيا أَذاها أَبَداً
زُمَرٌ وارِدَةٌ إِثرَ زُمَر
6. O father of two grandsons, pay it no heed
Did one leading in it grow old or live long?
٦. يا أَبا السِبطَينِ لا تَحفِل بِها
أَعَتيقٌ سادَ فيها أَم عُمَر
7. Wondrous is time, dawn and nightfall
Stars, crescent moon, and full moon
٧. عجَباً لِلدَهرِ صُبحٌ وَدُجى
وَنُجومٌ وَهِلالٌ وَقَمَر
8. Branches fruited in isolation
Circles with no fruit in them
٨. وَغُصونٌ أَثمَرَت نائِيَةً
وَدَوانٍ لَيسَ فيهِنَّ ثَمَر
9. Misguided in his confusion after pilgrimage and visitation
He lived immersed in delusion then survived
٩. وَغَويٌّ كَرَّ في حَيرَتِهِ
بَعدَ ما حَجَّ لِنُسكٍ وَاِعتَمَر
10. Now drowning again in delusion
Saturnine and silent, accompanied by
١٠. عامَ في الغَمرِ زَماناً فَنَجا
وَاِنثَنى الآنَ غَريقاً في الغُمَر
11. One cheerful and singing light tunes
Worries accustomed to their gloom
١١. زُحَليٌّ واجِمٌ يَصحَبُهُ
زُهَرِيُّ الطَبعِ غَنّى وَزَمَر
12. And joy forgotten when it shined
These are the tales that showed us lessons
١٢. وَهُمومٌ أَلِفَت مَقمورَها
وَسُرورٌ آبَهُ حينَ قَمَر
13. Of wondrous things like night conversations
In a life like a fleeting specter
١٣. تِلكَ أَنباءٌ أَرَتنا عِبَراً
مُعجَباتٍ كَأَحاديثَ السَمَر
14. That occupied thought and passed you by
١٤. في حَياةٍ كَخَيالٍ طارِقٍ
شَغَلَ الفِكرَ وَخَلّاكَ وَمَرّ