
They say it's made of seven stars aligned,

يقولون صنع من كواكب سبعة

1. They say it's made of seven stars aligned,
Yet it is but the work of the starry guide.

١. يَقولونَ صِنعٌ مِن كَواكِبَ سَبعَةٍ
وَما هُوَ إِلّا مِن زَعيمِ الكَواكِبِ

2. When those stars raise their bowl on high,
'Tis He who lifts it to the eye.

٢. إِذا رَفَعَت تِلكَ المَواكِبُ قَسطَلاً
فَرافِعُهُ لِلعَينِ مُجري الكَواكِبِ

3. Can the soul of the dead return after its farewell
To recompense a people with tearful, starry eyes?

٣. أَتَرجِعُ نَفسُ المَيتِ بَعدَ رَحيلِهِ
فَيَجزِيَ قَوماً بِالدُموعِ السَواكِبِ

4. He who changes the necks and hands of men,
Passing them like vessels from port to port.

٤. تُبَدِّلَ أَعناقَ الرِجالِ وَأَيدِياً
تَناقُلُهُ مِن عَسجَديّ المَراكِبِ

5. Dearer to Him are feet trudging in accord
Than bodies borne upon shoulders toward the shrine.

٥. أَحَبُّ إِلَيهِ كَونُهُ مُتَواطِأً
بِأَقدامِهِم لا الحَملُ فَوقَ المَناكِبِ

6. To Him death is but a pauper at the door,
While another beggar walks the road declined.

٦. هُوَ المَوتُ مُثرٍ عِندَهُ مِثلُ مُقتِرٍ
وَقاصِدُ نَهجٍ مِثلُ آخَرَ ناكِبِ

7. To Him the youth's armor is but the armor of Ghadah,
And Kisra's palace but the web of spiders spined.

٧. وَدِرعُ الفَتى في حُكمِهِ دِرعُ غادَةٍ
وَأَبياتُ كِسرى مِن بُيوتِ العَناكِبِ

8. He galloped unto Ghobra and the orator took the stand
While He remained the noblest rider of the two clans.

٨. فَرُجِّلَ في غَبراءَ وَالخَطبُ فارِسٌ
وَما زالَ في الأَهلينِ أَشرَفَ راكِبِ

9. The bier is but a ship that voyages on billows
Of surging calamity, wave upon wave entwined.

٩. وَما النَعشُ إِلّا كَالسَفينَةِ رامِياً
بِغَرقاهُ في مَوجِ الرَدى المُتَراكِبِ