1. The noblest horsemen are those who raid for plunder,
So make your cave a refuge for the generous.
١. أدْنى الفوارِسِ مَن يُغِيرُ لمَغْنَمِ
فاجْعَلْ مُغَارَكَ للمَكارِم تَكرُمِ
2. And abstain from the matter of singing girls, for it
Is a matter that if you go against it, you will not regret.
٢. وتَوَقّ أمْرَ الغانِياتِ فإنّهُ
أمْرٌ إذا خالفْتَه لم تَنْدَمِ
3. I am the most senior advisor, so accept my advice,
For merit belongs to the oldest sword.
٣. أنا أقْدَمُ الخُلاّنِ فارْضَ نصيحتي
إنّ الفَضِيلةَ للحُسامِ الأقْدَمِ
4. And the truth is with following the prince, so be
A follower of him, to reach the greatest status.
٤. والْحَقْ بتُبّاعِ الأميرِ فكُنْ له
تَبَعاً لتُصْبِحَ بالمحَلّ الأعظَمِ
5. And make the white your armor, and let there be
No other ambition for you but a sharp sword or firm spear.
٥. واسْتَزْرِ بالبِيضِ الحِسانِ ولا يكُنْ
لكَ غيرُ هِمّةِ صارمٍ أو لَهْذَمِ
6. The God-conscious man takes down every greatness with his horse
And the transgressor seduces every cheap woman.
٦. المُتّقي بالخيْلْ كلّ عظيمةٍ
والمُسْتَبِيحِ بهِنّ كلّ عَرَمْرَمِ
7. And its rugged valley, if a wind blew on its edges
It would not be safe, or the Wasmi arose early seeking his land
٧. ومُزِيرِها الغَوْرَ الذي لو سَلّمَتْ
ريحٌ على أرجائِها لم تَسْلَم
8. Spring ran out and its soil was not marked.
The stars do not appear in it, shining,
٨. أو بَكّرَ الوَسمِيُّ يَطْلُبُ أَرضَه
نَفِدَ الرّبيعُ وتُرْبُها لم يُوسمِ
9. And the moon gleams in it like a dirham.
This, and how many mountains whose people disobeyed them
٩. لا تَسْتَبِينُ الشّهْبُ فيه تنائِياً
ويَلُوحُ فيه البَدْرُ مثلَ الدّرهَمِ
10. So they collapsed upon them with the ravens.
And it let through the strikes of every quiver
١٠. هذا وكم جَبَلٍ عصَاها أهْلُه
فَهَوَتْ عليه مع الطّيورِ الحُوّمِ
11. And the nests of eagles in it and homes of black snakes.
So they trod the lairs of ostriches and panicked them
١١. وأجازَهَا قُذَفاتِ كلّ مُنِيفَةٍ
وَكْرُ العُقابِ بها وبيْتُ الأعْصَمِ
12. And the wild animal spent the night a guest of hyenas.
It knew and caution weakened it, so it did not fly
١٢. فوطِئْنَ أوْكارَ الأنُوقِ ورُوّعَت
مِنها وباتَ المُهْرُ ضَيْفَ الهَيْثَمِ
13. Though weak, as if it had no knowledge.
With widespread wings, it cried with pride
١٣. علِمَتْ وأضْعَفَها الحِذارُ فلم تَطِرْ
من ضَعْفِها فكأنّها لم تَعْلَمِ
14. Flying over lions that had not been fed.
It grazes the remnants of dew in its burrows
١٤. وبَعيدةِ الأطرافِ رُعْنَ بماجِدٍ
يَرْدِينَ فوقَ أساوِدٍ لم تَطْعَمِ
15. And stumbles over the thickets of sleep.
They gather themselves so they can attain what
١٥. تَرعى خوافي الرُّبْدِ في حَجَراتِها
سَغْباً وتَعْثُرُ بالغَطَاطِ النُّوَمِ
16. They desire, so their beaks are like chisels.
It harbored enmity and leadership emboldened it, so it became
١٦. يَجْمَعْنَ أنفُسَهُنّ كي يَبْلُغْن ما
يَهْوَى فمُجْفَرُهنّ مثْلُ الأهضَمِ
17. A lookout, while the eyelid gallops in pupils of the blind.
Its saddle rises above every other saddle
١٧. ضَمَرَتْ وشَزّبَها القِيادُ فأصْبحتْ
والطّرْفُ يرْكُضُ في مَسابِ الأرقَمِ
18. So its horsemen ascend to it with a ladder.
A chestnut steed as if its bridle
١٨. مِن كلّ مُعْطِيَةِ الأعِنّةِ سرْجُها
تَرْقى فوارِسُها إليه بسُلّمِ
19. Reached the sky with it, like the stars of Aldebaran.
And a challenger between the noble and pursuer
١٩. غَرّاءَ سَلْهَبَةٍ كَأنّ لجامَها
نالَ السماءَ به بَنانُ المُلْجِمِ
20. Who found you between the armed and the armed.
The day molded its specula and it was as if
٢٠. ومُقابَلٍ بينَ الوَجيهِ ولاحِقٍ
وافاكَ بينَ مُطَهَّمٍ ومُطَهَّمِ
21. The darkness cut for it a garment of pitch.
The fish were disturbed by its gallop and sometimes
٢١. صاغَ النّهارُ حُجُولَهُ فكأنّما
قَطعتْ له الظّلماءُ ثوبَ الأدهَمِ
22. It shook the dust off the forehead of the sick man.
Like brides, nothing it raided retreated
٢٢. قلِقَ السّماكُ لرَكْضِهِ ولربّما
نَفَضَ الغُبارَ على جبِينِ المِرْزَمِ
23. Except stained doorframes with blood.
It stayed up while the guide slept in a worn cloak
٢٣. مِثلُ العرائسِ ما انثَنَتْ من غارةٍ
إلا مُخَضَّبَةَ السّنابِكِ بالدّمِ
24. Repeating the actions of twisting.
Its claws made the gazelles bleed so it was as if
٢٤. سَهِرَتْ وقد هجَعَ الدليلُ بلابسٍ
بُرْدَ الحُبابِ مُعيدِ فعْلِ الضّيْغَمِ
25. Their cheeks were dyed with the same as jujube.
And its hooves built a shining darkness?
٢٥. أدْمَتْ نواجِذَها الظُّبَى فكأنّما
صُبِغَتْ شكائِمُها بمثْلِ العَنْدَمِ
26. If not for your obedience, it would not have crumbled.
The eagles nested in it and pitched above it
٢٦. وبنَتْ حوافِرُها قَتاماً ساطعاً
لولا انْقِيادُ عِداكَ لم يَتَهَدّمِ
27. Until the fledgling eagle chirped in it.
And it aimed for the basin of clouds, and its water
٢٧. باضَ النّسورُ به وخيّمَ مُصْعِداً
حتى تَرَعْرَعَ فيه فَرْخُ القَشْعَمِ
28. Was turbid from the descending dusty fog.
They came in numbers like goblets, overflowing
٢٨. وسما إلى حَوْضِ الغَمامِ فماؤهُ
كَدِرٌ بمُنْهالِ الغُبارِ الأقْتَمِ
29. From every disheveled one with swords marked.
So they were found sharper than the arrows of Turks when
٢٩. جاءتْ بأمْثالِ القِداحِ مُفِيضَةً
من كلّ أشْعَثَ بالسّيوفِ مُوَسَّمِ
30. Released, and more piercing than the spears of Delam.
Until they left the water not pure
٣٠. فوُجِدْنَ أمْضى من سِهامِ التُّرك إذ
نُفِضَتْ وأنْفَدَ مِن حِرابِ الدّيْلمِ
31. And the soil not permissible for one who performs ablution.
٣١. حتى تركْنَ الماءَ ليس بطاهِرٍ
والتُّرْبَ ليس يَحِلُّ للمُتَيَمّمِ