1. With your benevolence, for when you write ill of others, you shall be trampled down.
People raise their children, and mankind suffers for how they were raised.
١. عَلَيكُم بِإِحسانِكُم إِنَّكُم
مَتى تَكتِبوا غَيرَكُم تُكبَتوا
2. For people are but plants of the times, so let each people reap what they have sown.
Woe to the Christians when they are miserly, and woe to the Jews when they slander.
٢. يُرَبّي المَعاشِرُ أَبناءَهُم
وَيَشقى الأَنامُ بِما رَبَّتوا
3. When asked about their rites of worship, they cannot establish or confirm them.
The best deed that doers can do, is to act with piety and be silent.
٣. وَما الناسُ إِلّا نَباتُ الزَما
نِ فَليَحصِدِ القَومُ ما نَبَّتوا
٤. فَيا لِلنَصارى إِذا أَمسَكوا
وَيا لِليَهودِ إِذا أَسبَتوا
٥. وَقَد سُئِلوا عَن عِباداتِهِم فَما
أَيَّدوها وَلا ثَبَّتوا
٦. وَمِن خَيرِ مافَعَلَ الفاعِلونَ
أَنَّهُمُ بِتُقىً أَخبَتوا