
Praise be to Allah, though I've awoken mid-storm

الحمد لله قد أصبحت في لجج

1. Praise be to Allah, though I've awoken mid-storm
Bearing the burdens of time like a lexicon's pages

١. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ قَد أَصبَحتُ في لُجَجٍ
مُكابِداً مِن هُمومِ الدَهرِ قاموسا

2. They said, "Your god sent no Messiah to the wilds
Nor Moses with his staff held aloft in miracles."

٢. قالَت مَعاشِرُ لَم يَبعَث إِلهُكُمُ
إِلى البَريَّةِ عَيساها وَلا موسى

3. Yet they made of the people a shared repast,
And for all mankind crafted a binding law.

٣. وَإِنَّما جَعَلوا لِلقَومِ مَأَكَلَةً
وَصَيَّروا لِجَميعِ الناسِ ناموسا

4. If I'd the power, I would punish those grown tyrant
Till the robe of wrongdoing lay trampled and torn.

٤. وَلَو قَدَرتُ لَعاقَبتُ الَّذينَ طَغوا
حَتّى يَعودَ حَليفُ الغَيِّ مَرموسا