
The souls implored God to reveal

لقد رجت الله النفوس لكشفه

1. The souls implored God to reveal
Matters, so He granted what souls implored.

١. لَقَد رَجَّتِ اللَهَ النُفوسُ لِكَشفِهِ
أُموراً فَأَعطى أَنفُساً ما تَرَجَّتِ

2. If the readied horses bring you victory,
Then by God's decree comes your victory.

٢. فَإِن تُنجِكَ الخَيلُ المُعَدَّةُ لِلوَغى
فَعَن قَدَرٍ يَأتي مِنَ اللَهِ نَجَّتِ

3. Far different is my killing in the dust by their hooves
Than being killed among the councils - she was brave.

٣. وَشَتّانَ قَتلي في التُرابِ شِجاجُها
وَمَقتولَةٌ بَينَ المَجالِسِ شُجَّتِ