
People have ridden the horse of time,

ركب الأنام من الزمان مطية

1. People have ridden the horse of time,
Not as riders are wont their steeds to spur.

١. رَكِبَ الأَنامُ مِنَ الزَمانِ مَطيَّةً
لَيسَت كَما اِعتادَ الرَكائِبُ تَبرُكُ

2. Ah, for our vile degenerate species' home,
Left this poor wight within its walls to stir!

٢. واهاً لِدُنيانا الذَميمَةِ مَنزِلاً
لَو أَنَّ هَذا الشَخصَ فيها يُترَكُ

3. Had he but seen its visage when the veil
Was lifted, he had turned from union's lure,

٣. وَهَوِيَتَها فَرَأَيتَ خُلَّةَ غادِرٍ
ورَضيتَ أَنَّكَ في وِصالِكَ تُشرَكُ

4. Contented to be partner'd and to share;
But man is like the letter noun between

٤. وَالمَرءُ مِثلُ الحَرفِ بَينَ سُهادِهِ
وَكِراهُ يَسكُنُ تارَةً وَيُحَرَّكُ

5. His fellow letters dormant or astir.
He may attain the object of his quest,

٥. قَد يُدرِكُ الساعي لِباريهِ رِضاً
فَرِضا البَريَّةِ غايَةٌ لا تُدرَكُ