1. If you were sowing a land unknown to me
Or drinking wine then blame yourself
١. إِن كُنتَ ذارِعَ أَرضٍ لَم أَلُمكَ بِها
أَو كُنتَ ذارِعَ خَمرٍ فَالمَلامَةُ لَك
2. How often has fate mocked you on your right
And given the sword of guidance but confused you
٢. كَم سَلَّتِ الراحُ مِن يُمناكَ خادِعَةً
سَيفَ الرَشادِ وَأَعطَتهُ لِمَن خَتَلَك
3. It killed you gently while you were raging
By what you did and how many examples killed you
٣. قَتَلَتها بِمَزاجٍ وَهِيَ ثائِرَةٌ
بِما فَعَلتَ وَكَم مَثَلٍ لَها قَتَلَك
4. You rode a fancy horse and it threw its rider
If you had ridden another roan it would have carried you
٤. رَكِبتَ مِنها كُمَيتاً خَرَّ فارِسُها
وَلَو رَكِبتَ سِواها أَشهَباً حَمَلَك
5. You are called suns but they have no relation
Only the lamplighter so always avoid your desires
٥. تُدعى الشُموسَ وَما يُعنى بِذاكَ لَها
إِلّا الشَمّاسُ فَجَنِّب دائِماً ثَمَلَك
6. Universality is roving winds that blew
With insanity, and drunkenness a penetrating blindness confused you
٦. إِنَّ الشُمولَ رِياحٌ شَمأَلٌ عَصَفَت
بِاللُبِّ وَالسُكرُ غَيٌّ فادِحٌ شَمَلَك
7. Let your beauty be free of greed and stagnation
And make your darkness in attaining the heights their riding beast
٧. أَرِح جَمالَكَ مِن غَرَضٍ وَمِن قَتبٍ
وَاِجعَل ظَلامَكَ في نَيلِ العُلا جَمَلَك
8. You hoped for pleasures and singing for a time
But gained neither ease nor love's compliance your wish
٨. أَمَلتَها لِلمَغاني وَالغِنى زَمَناً
فَلَم تَنَل مِن يَسارٍ أَو هَوىً أَمَلَك
9. You sent your camels ahead one day loaded
While your grandfather once grazed a small herd your possession
٩. أَرسَلتَ إِبلَكَ قَبلَ اليَومِ هامِلَةً
وَكانَ جَدُّكَ يَرعى مَرَّةً هَمَلَك
10. But the old man only gains more disgrace
So improve with piety your deeds
١٠. أَمّا الكَبيرُ فَما تَزدادُ شيمَتُهُ
إِلّا قُبوحاً فَحَسِّن بِالتُقى عَمَلَك
11. And give to one complaining of thirsty poverty
Some clothes and let a thirsty man drink of your water
١١. وَاِنبُذ إِلى مَن تَشَكّى قِرَّةً سَمَلاً
مِنَ الثِيابِ وَأَورِد ظامِئاً سَمَلَك
12. Do not look longingly at this world and covet it
And turn to God who gave you success your sand dune
١٢. لا تَرمُلَنَّ إِلى الدُنِّيا تُحاوِلُها
وَاِصرِف إِلى اللَهِ مُعطيكَ المُنى رَملَك
13. You never showed me anything about you but in summary
Yet to others you explained in detail your burdens
١٣. لَم تُبدِ لي عَنكَ إِلّا مُجَمَّلاً خَبَراً
وَقَد شَرَحتَ لِغَيري مُوَضِحاً جُمَلَك
14. The world is a place of turmoil and its people
Are like wolves so protect yourself from them your luggage
١٤. الأَرضُ دارُ اِهتِضامٍ وَالأَنامُ بِها
مِثلُ الذِئابِ فَأَحرِز دونَهُم حَمَلَك