
I carried the burden of nights in my time's sons

حملت ثقل الليالي في بني زمني

1. I carried the burden of nights in my time's sons
So we were shaded by that weight surrounded

١. حَمَلتُ ثِقلَ اللَيالي في بَني زَمَني
فَقَد ظَلِلنا بِذاكَ الثِقلِ نُحّاطا

2. Had God protected us we'd not care for bleakness
And how would one protected by God dread fate's calamities

٢. لَو حاطَنا اللَهُ لَم نَحفِل بِمَرزِيَةٍ
وَكَيفَ يَخشى رَزايا الدَهرِ مَن حاطا