
Indeed Eve, your mother, placed her virginity

لقد وضعت حواء أمك بكرها

1. Indeed Eve, your mother, placed her virginity
In the abode of chastity, protected and sheltered,

١. لَقَد وَضَعَت حَوّاءُ أُمُّكَ بِكرَها
بِدارِ الرَزايا مِن عَوانٍ وَمِن بِكرِ

2. And none could grasp the pearl of truth, submerged,
Among the people except with intuition and reflection.

٢. وَلَم يَتَناوَل دُرَّةَ الحَقِّ غائِصٌ
مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا بِالرَوِيَّةِ وَالفِكرِ

3. The nights go by - if they allow glory
To have a beautiful mention, they violently shake with memory,

٣. صُروفُ اللَيالي إِن سَمَحنَ لِماجِدٍ
بِذِكرٍ جَميلٍ عُدنَ يَعصِفنَ بِالذِكرِ

4. Deceiving with all comprehensions, their countenances,
So let deception meet with deception.

٤. مَكرنَ بِكُلِّ المُدرَكاتِ جُسومُها
وَأَعراضُها فَليَلحَقِ المَكرُ بِالمَكرِ

5. A day like an empty heart, and a night
Like one of the daughters of the Negroes playing with the tom-tom,

٥. نَهارٌ كَذي اللُبِّ العَديمِ وَلَيلَةٌ
كَإِحدى بَناتِ الزِنجِ يَلعَبنَ بِالدَكرِ

6. Does the delirious one in luxury know
That the pang of death will wring her from the den?

٦. فَهَل عَلِمَت شَغواءُ في النيقِ أَنَّها
سَيَخلِجُها رَيبُ المَنونِ مِنَ الوَكرِ

7. If she is ignorant of that misfortune, it is respite,
And if she is certain of it, then she is in odious news.

٧. فَإِن جَهِلَت ذاكَ المُصابَ فَراحَةٌ
وَإِن أَيقَنَتهُ فَهيَ في نَبَإٍ نُكرِ

8. Leave offspring - offspring whose outcome is death
And the joy of spirit is abandoned for fear of drunkenness.

٨. دَعِ النَسلَ إِنَّ النَسلَ عُقباهُ مَيتَةٌ
وَيُهجَرُ طيبُ الراحِ خَوفاً مِنَ السِكرِ

9. We meet for blame while our state
Is the state of those who meet for thanksgiving.

٩. عَلى الذَمِّ بِتنا مُجمِعينَ وَحالُنا
مِنَ الرُعبِ حالُ المُجمِعينَ عَلى الشُكرِ

10. Can the formidable, stalwart one become weak
If the prime of his age does not pass?

١٠. وَهَل يُصبِحُ الساديُ الجَديلِيُّ بازِلاً
إِذا لَم يَجُز في سِنِّهِ عُصُرَ البَكرِ

11. I herd but do not graze, and the likes of me
Sleep but do not slumber, and hire but do not rent.

١١. أُراعُ فَلا أَرعى وَمِثلي مَعاشِرٌ
تَنامُ فَلا تَنمي وَتَكرى فَلا تُكري