1. I had no throne for it to be stained, my throne
How many wounds have I been wounded, O she of the shelter
١. لَم يَكُن لي عُرشٌ فَيُثلَمَ عَرشي
كَم جُروحٍ جُرِحتُها ذاتِ أَرشِ
2. My veil in time is my concealment, and it buried me
In clothes too delicate for glances and cushions
٢. مَقنِعي في الزَمانِ سَتري وَدَفني
مِن لِباسٍ راقَ العُيونَ وَفَرشِ
3. I have drunk water from cracked jugs
Wealthy without harsh judgments and green carpets
٣. قَد شَرِبتُ المِياهَ بِالخَزَفِ الوَخ
شِ غَنيٌّ عَن مُحكَماتٍ بِجَرشِ
4. And I have indulged in matters, so my feet turned
From riding beasts and saddlebags
٤. وَتَغَنَّيتُ في الأَمورِ فَنابَت
قَدَمي عَن رُكوبِ دُهمٍ وَبُرشِ
5. O mother of Dafar, truly I have loved you so
What mountain goat have you left without a herd?
٥. أُمَّ دَفرٍ إِنّي هَويتُكِ جِدّاً
أَيُّ ضَبٍّ تَرَكتِ مِن غَيرِ حَرشِ
6. Lighten the glottal stops for me in tribulations
And make me recite the readings of Warsh
٦. خَفَّفي الهَمزَ في النوائِبِ عَنّي
وَاِحمِليني عَلى قِراءَةِ وَرشِ