
What good is fasting when people waste away?

ما الخير صوم يذوب الصائمون له

1. What good is fasting when people waste away?
What good is prayer or clothes on a body?

١. ما الخَيرُ صَومٌ يَذوبُ الصائِمونَ لَهُ
وَلا صَلاةٌ وَلا صوفٌ عَلى الجَسَدِ

2. True piety is leaving evil, casting aside
Malice and envy, hatred from your heart.

٢. إِنّما هُوَ تَركُ الشَرِّ مُطَّرِحاً
وَنفضُكَ الصَدرَ مِن غِلٍّ وَمِن حَسَدِ

3. Until the prey and cattle live without fear,
None is pious, not even lions that fast.

٣. ما دامَتِ الوَحشُ وَالإِنعامُ خائِفَةً
فَرَساً فَما صَحَّ أَمرُ النُسكِ لِلأَسَدِ