
Time has perhaps drawn out its last

عل زمانا يديل آخره

1. Time has perhaps drawn out its last
So advice may come in helplessness

١. عَلَّ زَماناً يُديلُ آخِرُهُ
فَقَد يَكونُ الرَشادُ في العِجَزِ

2. To sorrow's moan rest has come
As fools take aid of poetry

٢. إِلى الأَنينِ اِستَراحَ خِدنُ ضَنى
كَما اِستَعانَ السُفاةُ بِالرَجَزِ

3. And religion is fellow to pockets
Through the nights in honor of seclusion

٣. وَالدَينُ نُصحُ الجُيوبِ مُقتَرِناً
مَدى اللَيالي بِعِفَّةِ الحُجُزِ

4. Oh friend, my work is vain
So I was found, yet I did not suffice

٤. يا صاحِ إِنّي لَزائِفٌ عَمَلي
فَحَقَّ أَني وُجِدتُ لَم أَجُزِ