1. O parting one, if only you had whitened over the expanse
For I was not pleased that you remained dark in your state
١. أَيا مَفرِقي هَلّا اِبيَضَضتَ عَلى المَدى
فَما سَرَّني أَن بِتَّ أَسوَدَ حالِكا
2. Ugly is likening the cheek of an old man
To the cheek of a youth - and Allah knows that
٢. قَبيحٌ بِفَودِ الشَيخِ تَشبيهُ لَونِهِ
بِفَودِ الفَتى وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ ذِلِكا
3. So away with this body, O spirit of conduct
And away with this spirit, O body walking
٣. فَبُعداً لِهَذا الجِسمِ يا روحُ مَسلَكاً
وَبُعداً لِهَذي الروحِ يا جِسمُ سالِكا
4. You two were joined, so the joining brought about in you
Wondrous things that were destructive to men
٤. تَواصَلتُما فَاِستَحدَثَ الوَصلُ مِنكُما
عَجائِبَ كانَت لِلرِجالِ مَهالِكا