
O bedouin, beware of drunkenness, for wine

يا بدوي اتق المدامة إن ال

1. O bedouin, beware of drunkenness, for wine
Has become abundant in evils

١. يا بَدَويَّ اِتَّقِ المُدامَةَ إِنَّ ال
خَمرَ باتَت كَثيرَةَ الأُبَنِ

2. I blame not a stingy brother
Nor a cowardly brother on a day of valor

٢. آلَيتُ ما سَمَّحَت أَخا بَخلٍ
يَوماً وَلا شَجَّعَت أَخا جُبُنِ

3. Rather that is but a minor slip
That resulted in the worst loss

٣. وَإِنَّما تِلكَ خِفَّةٌ حَدَثَت
عَنها فَجاءَت بِأَثقَلِ الغَبَنِ

4. Better than red wine and the jug
Of it is what is pure white of milk

٤. أَفضَلُ مِن أَحمَرِ السُلافِ وَمِن
كُمَيتِها ناصِعٌ مِنَ اللَبَنِ