
Do not seek far-off goals and stay up late

لا تطلب الغرض البعيد وتسهر

1. Do not seek far-off goals and stay up late
What is decreed will come, though the seeker grows weary

١. لا تَطلُبِ الغَرضَ البَعيدَ وَتَسهَرِ
ما يُقضَ يَأتِ وَطالِبٌ لَم يُبهَرِ

2. Generation after generation passes away and is folded up
News becomes outdated and forgotten like writings on parchment

٢. جيلٌ فَجيلٌ يَذهَبونَ وَيَنطَوي
خَبَرٌ وَيُصبِحُ خامِلٌ كَمُشَهَّرِ

3. Man is beset by harm from where he least expects it
So be astonished at the twists and turns of fate!

٣. وَالمَرءُ يغشاهُ الأَذى مِن حَيثُ لا
يَخشاهُ فَاِعجَب مِن صُروفِ الأَدهُرِ

4. Even Muhammad, though he was the Prophet, complained
Of the loss of his teeth as old age advanced

٤. ومُحَمَّدٌ وَهُوَ المُنَبَّأُ يَشتَكي
لِمَكانِ أَكلَتِهِ اِنقِطاعَ الأَبهُرِ

5. Do not congratulate others on their gifts, for they
Are flowers that fade with the brilliant season

٥. لا تَغبِطَنَّ عَلى الهِباتِ فَإِنَّها
زَهرٌ يَزولُ مَعَ الزَمانِ الأَزهَرِ

6. Though the plants disappear for a year, when they reappear
It is as if they never went away

٦. وَالنَبتُ يَظهَرُ لِعُيونِ وَإِن مَضَت
سَنَةٌ لَهُ فَكَأَنَّهُ لَم يَظهَرِ

7. With the advent of each year, the rain clouds
Herald the nuptial gladiolus or sweet basil

٧. في كُلِّ عامٍ تَستَهِلُّ غَمائِمٌ
بِشَقائِقِ النُعمانِ أَو بِالعَبهَرِ

8. Among the devout are imagined wantons
And among the debauched, seeming ascetics

٨. وَمِنَ الرَزيَّةِ عاهِرٌ مُتَوَهَّمٌ
في الناسِكينَ وَناسِكٌ في العُهَرِ

9. The sweet charms of this world are only
Apparitions whose time is limited to a few months

٩. وَمَحاسِنُ الدُنِّيا الأَنيسُ وَإِنَّما
أَشباحُ سادَتِهِم أَهِلَّةُ أَشهُرِ

10. If you wish honor for your sons
The best is to leave them obscure

١٠. وَإِذا أَرَدتُم لِلبَنينَ كَرامَةً
فَالحَزمُ أَجمَعُ تَركُهُم في الأَظهُرِ

11. My view is that you should mobilize all the swords
In the border towns and the lances in Samhar

١١. وَالرَأيُ أَن تَدَعوا الصَوارِمَ كُلَّها
بِقُرى المَشارِفِ وَالرِماحَ بِسَمهَرِ