
O soul, your body is a garment that is endangered

يا نفس جسمك سربال له خطر

1. O soul, your body is a garment that is endangered
And does not change with any condition to another garment

١. يا نَفسُ جِسمُكِ سِربالٌ لَهُ خَطَرٌ
وَما يُبَدِّلُ في حالٍ بِسِربالِ

2. The nights have made it old, so leave it worn out
For the wearing of decrepit garb does not adorn you

٢. قَد أَخلَقَتهُ اللَيالي فَاِترُكيهِ لَقىً
فَما يَزينُكِ لُبسُ المُخَلقِ البالي

3. If you go out to my misery, then woe is my plight!
And if you are transferred to my bliss, then blessed am I!

٣. فَإِن خَرَجتِ إِلى بُؤسي فَوا حَرَجي
وَإِن نُقِلتِ إِلى نُعمى فَطوبى لي