
A moment's pleasure came your way, so you seized it,

جاءتك لذة ساعة فأخذتها

1. A moment's pleasure came your way, so you seized it,
Unconcerned by disgrace however intense.

١. جاءَتكَ لَذَّةُ ساعَةٍ فَأَخَذتَها
بِالعارِ لَم تَحفِل سَوادَ العارِ

2. You bought what passes for the steepest price,
Why not immortality at the cheapest cost?

٢. وَاِبتَعتَ ما يَفنى بِأَغلى سِعرِهِ
هَلّا الخُلودَ بِأَرخَصِ الأَسعارِ

3. You bared yourself carousing till you lost all piety,
A strange thing for a body so full of vice.

٣. وَعُريتَ بِالكَأسِ الكُمَيتِ عَنِ التُقى
فَاِعجَب لِجِسمِكَ وَهُوَ كاسٍ عارِ

4. Poetry's drafts do not last, though they pretend to,
Even if clad in the drapery of every poem.

٤. وَسَوائِلُ الأَشعارِ غَيرُ لَوابِثٍ
وَلَو اِرتَدَينَ سَوائِرَ الأَشعارِ