
My tears do not respond to misfortunes,

دموعي لا تجيب على الرزايا

1. My tears do not respond to misfortunes,
And if not for that, they would gush in streams.

١. دُموعي لا تُجيبُ عَلى الرَزايا
وَلَولا ذاكَ ما فَتِأَت سُجوما

2. Be content with the decree of your Lord, for it is decisive,
And do not let any incident make you frown.

٢. رِضاً بِقَضاءِ رَبِّكَ فَهوَ حَتمٌ
وَلا تُظهِر لِحادِثَةٍ وُجوما

3. Do not blame Venus or Mars for it,
Nor blame the One who created the stars.

٣. وَلُم زُحَلاً أَوِ المِرّيخَ فيها
وَلا تَلُمِ الَّذي خَلَقَ النُجوما

4. I do not say that the meteors one day
Were created as missiles for Muhammad’s mission.

٤. وَلَستُ أَقولُ إِنَّ الشُهبَ يَوماً
لِبَعثِ مُحَمَّدٍ جُعِلَت رُجوما

5. Restrain your bitterness within you and do not get accustomed
To harsh and offensive speech.

٥. فَأَمسِك غَربَ فيكَ وَلا تَعَوَّد
عَلى القَولِ الجَراءَةَ وَالهُجوما