1. They oppress you with hatefulness afflicted upon you,
Until you thought they were not of mankind.
١. قَد باشَروكَ بِمَكروهٍ أُديتَ بِهِ
حَتّى تَوَهَّمتَ أَن لَيسوا مِنَ البَشَرِ
2. The arrogance of haughtiness, not the arrogance of palm trees, is in them.
The spring is not freed from paying a tithe.
٢. زَهوُ التَكَبُّرِ لا زَهوُ النَخيلِ بِهِم
وَالنَبعُ لَيسَ بِمَجنِيٍّ مِنَ العُشرِ
3. They excel in their reciting of the Five and the Ten,
And they calculate precisely the tax from a fifth and a tithe.
٣. خَمساً وَعَشَراً أَجادوا في قِراءَتِهِم
وَوَفَّروا المالَ مِن خُمسٍ وَمِن عُشرِ
4. They make no pilgrimage for religion or ritual,
Rather that is nothing but excess wickedness.
٤. وَما يَحُجّونَ مِن دينٍ وَلا نُسُكٍ
وَإِنَّما ذاكَ إِفراطٌ مِنَ الأَشَرِ
5. If they consult you, then advise them, and if they rage,
Then suffice yourself if you are not asked, and do not meddle.
٥. إِذا اِستَشاروكَ فَاِنَصَحهُم وَإِن غَضِبوا
فَإِن كُفَيتَ وَلَم تُسأَل فَلا تُشِرِ
6. For nights water the resting place of him who shelters in them
Mornings and evenings, in darkness and in drizzle.
٦. إِنَّ اللَيالِيَ تَسقي الحَتفَ ساكِنَها
قَيلاً وَصُبحاً وَفي الظَلماءِ وَالجَشرِ
7. And it inspires the bees to gather nectar exerting themselves
Until, when they have gathered, it says to the destitute, “Take!”
٧. وَتُلهِمُ النَحلَ جَمعَ الأَريِ جاهِدَةً
حَتّى إِذا جَمَّ قالَت لِلعَديمِ شُرِ
8. It gives and takes until it gave a faint smile
In exchange for what evil was in it.
٨. تُعطي وَتَأخُذُ حَتّى مَبسِماً دَرِداً
أَعطَت بِأَخذِ الَّذي فيهِ مِنَ الأَشَرِ
9. It has folded me as if I were a battered tent,
Oh what folding! What folding with no spreading!
٩. وَقَد طَوَتني كَأَنّي ضَربُ مُنسَرِحٍ
فَيا لَطَيٍّ لِطَيٍّ غَيرِ مُنتَشِرِ
10. And God spreads spirits by His power
And sends rain in spirits needing relief.
١٠. وَاللَهُ يَنشُرُ أَرواحاً بِقُدرَتِهِ
وَيَبعَثُ الغَيثَ في أَرواحِهِ النُشُرِ