
I found people to be as diverse as the lands

وجدت الناس كالأرضين شتى

1. I found people to be as diverse as the lands
Some are fertile, some are barren and dry

١. وَجَدتُ الناسَ كَالأَرضَينِ شَتّى
فَمِن دَمِثٍ يُرَيِّعُ أَو حِرارِ

2. A righteous companion is like a fertile land
That gives you steady rain like aromatic plants

٢. جَليسُ الخَيرِ كَالداري أَلقى
لَكَ الرَيّا كَمُنتَسَمِ العَرارِ

3. But the opposite in the region is an enemy
Who sends you scattered embers in fury

٣. وَلَكِن ضِدُّهُ في الرَبعِ قَينٌ
أَطارَ إِلَيكَ مُفتَرِقَ الشَرارِ

4. An unjust oppressor wrongs and defames
As the unjust attacked the innocent viciously

٤. يُباكِرُ ظالِمٌ جَنَفاً وَعَرّاً
كَما بَكَرَ الظَليمُ عَلى العِرارِ

5. The love of life enslaved every free soul
And taught the greedy to eat what is bitter

٥. وَحُبُّ العَيشِ أَعبَدَ كُلَّ حُرٍّ
وَعَلَّمَ ساغِباً أَكلَ المُرارِ

6. It honors him, so he settles for a while
But fear keeps him from settling permanently

٦. يُوَقِّرُهُ الكَرى فَيَقَرُّ طَوراً
وَيَمنَعُهُ الحِذارُ مِنَ القَرارِ

7. He shone but was not stirred from his dormant sleep
By eggs laid on the heated sands

٧. أَلاحَ فَلَم يَعُج بِغَرارِ نَومٍ
لِبَيضاتٍ وَضِعنَ عَلى غِرارِ

8. So why does the crooked speak in pretense
And truth whispered secretly in dens

٨. فَما لِلمَينِ يُنطَقُ بِالتَنادي
وَما لِلحَقِّ يُهمَسُ في السَرارِ

9. Speak up as if this life is but a month
We were created in its dark concealment

٩. أَصاحِ كَأَنَّ هَذا الدَهرَ شَهرٌ
خُلِقنا مِنهُ في لَيلِ السِرارِ

10. How many ‘Aad were destroyed and how many Thamud
Were warned by the pious Saleh the bitter fate

١٠. وَكَم عادٍ أَبادَ وَكَم ثَمودٍ
أَتاها صالِحٌ ذاتَ المِرارِ

11. Slow down O fulfiller, a few days
Contained the wergild of fleeing in fear

١١. فَمَهلاً يا مُتَمِّمُ إِنَّ فِهراً
حَوَت مِن ما لِكٍ دِيَةَ الفُرارِ

12. Your rebuke is eternal, nothing was found
No use to blame and cause harm

١٢. عِتابُكَ خالِدٌ لَم يُجدِ شَيئاً
وَلا نَصُّ المَلامِ إِلى ضِرارِ

13. I resorted to silence instead of wailing
As the coward resorts to fleeing in fear

١٣. لَجَأتُ إِلى السُكوتِ مِنَ التَلاحي
كَما لَجَأَ الجَبانُ إِلى الفِرارِ

14. My silence seals my lips
And I become miserly spreading my thoughts

١٤. وَيَجمَعُ مِنِّيَ الشَفَتَينِ صَمتي
وَأَبخَلُ في المَحافِلِ بِاِفتِراري

15. While my friendship with them was long ago
A stumbling block that marred my reasoning

١٥. وَكانَ تَأَنُّسي بِهِمُ قَديماً
عِثاراً حُمَّ في شَأوِ اِغتِراري

16. I despaired of gaining any good when
I saw good abundantly bestowed upon the wicked

١٦. يَئِستُ مِن اِكتِسابِ الخَيرِ لَمّا
رَأَيتُ الخَيرَ وُفُّرَ لِلشِرارِ

17. Our worldly position was not by choice
But it came to us out of necessity

١٧. وَلَم نَحلُل بِدُنيانا اِختِياراً
وَلَكِن جاءَ ذاكَ عَلى اِضطِرارِ