
You have imprisoned the book of the eye in every direction

حبست كتاب العين في كل وجهة

1. You have imprisoned the book of the eye in every direction
So beware of the translator of the aggrieved

١. حَبَستَ كِتابَ العَينِ في كُلِّ وُجهَةٍ
فَخُذ حَذَراً مِن تَرجُمانِ المُفَجَّعِ

2. Fear God and leave tears after one perished
For you have not found except a heart bearing anguish

٢. تَقِ اللَهَ وَاِترُك أَدمُعاً إِثرَ هالِكٍ
فَلَم تَلقَ إِلّا حامِلاً قَلبَ موجَعِ

3. And what benefit is there from the torrent that passed
In the days of Noah with the returning torrent

٣. وَأَيُّ اِنتِفاعٍ لِلهَديلِ الَّذي مَضى
عَلى عَهدِ نوحٍ بِالهَديلِ المُرَجَّعِ

4. It is as if an eloquent preacher saw the head of a pulpit
Spewing nonsense with elaborate speech

٤. كَأَنَّ خَطيباً مُوَفِياً رَأسَ مِنبَرٍ
يَبُثُّ هُذاءً بِالكَلامِ المَسجَّعِ

5. If my body is in the ground unaware
Then my grave is better than staying in a bed

٥. إِذا كانَ جِسمي في الثَرى غَيرَ عالِمٍ
فَلَحدِيَ خَيرٌ مِن مَبيتي بِمَهجَعِ