
Beware of abandoning the mother of Layla, for she is

توخ بهجر أم ليلى فإنها

1. Beware of abandoning the mother of Layla, for she is
An old woman who has lost the thread of logical judgment.

١. تَوَخَّ بِهَجرٍ أُمَّ لَيلى فَإِنَّها
عَجوزٌ أَضَلَّت حَيَّ طَسمٍ وَمارِبِ

2. The creeping of a soft bed is better than her company,
For your body, her harm is worse than scorpion stings.

٢. دَبيبُ نِمالٍ عَن عُقارٍ تَخالُها
بِجِسمِكَ شَرٌّ مِن دَبيبِ العَقارِبِ

3. Had she been easy like water, her meetings would necessitate
Avoidance by those of intelligence and experience.

٣. وَلَو أَنَّها كَالماءِ طِلقٌ لَأَوجَبَت
قِلاها أَصيلاتُ النُهى وَالتَجارِبِ

4. She enlivens the faces of drinkers through harmless actions,
While plotting like one who wages war.

٤. تُحَيّي وُجوهَ الشَربِ فِعلَ مُسالِمٍ
يُضاحِكُهُ وَالكَيدُ كَيدُ مُحارِبِ

5. When she is killed, even the righteous fear unjust blame,
And among the youths, he was the first to flee.

٥. إِذا قُتِلَت خافَ الرَشادُ جِنايَةً
فَكانَ مِنَ الفِتيانِ أَوَّلَ هارِبِ

6. The enemy of resolve drew the sword and attacked the people with it
Yet did not engage in combat.

٦. عَدُوَّةُ لُبٍّ سَلَّتِ السَيفَ وَاِعتَلَت
بِهِ القَومَ إِلّا أَنَّها لَم تُضارِبِ

7. The Indian was not arrogant in his palm,
But rather bent his fingers around the striker.

٧. وَما شامَتِ الهِندِيَّ في الكَفِّ عَنوَةً
وَلَكِن ثَنَتهُ في أَنامِلَ ضارِبِ

8. If the flock of reason were camels of 'Amir,
Each foolish sheep would strike ruins.

٨. فَلَو كانَ سَرحُ العَقلِ أَذوادَ عامِرٍ
رَمَت كُلَّ ذَودٍ مِن سَفاهٍ بِخارِبِ

9. She instigated nothing but death for a neighbor
And accomplished nothing but the lowest of schemes.

٩. فَما أَبعَدَت إِلّا أَجَلَّ مُقارِنٍ
وَلا بَلَّغَت إِلّا خَسيسَ المَآرِبِ

10. She strips the young man of his clothes while he is unaware
And provokes the war of fate between relatives.

١٠. تُعَرّي الفَتى مِن ثَوبِهِ وَهوَ غافِلٌ
وَتوقِعُ حَربَ الدَهرِ بَينَ الأَقارِبِ

11. Proofs have been established and wine admits that she
Is a slanderer of absence unlawful for the drinker.

١١. تَأَلّى الحِجى وَاِستَشهَدَ السِكرَ أَنَّها
ذَميمَةُ غِبٍّ لا تَحِلُّ لِشارِبِ