1. The palaces that were erected
Four of its inhabitants taught a lesson
١. المَشيداتُ الَّتي رُفِعَت
أَربَعٌ مِن أَهلِها دُرُسُ
2. A silent preacher arose in my ears
For the days, though his trait is being dumb
٢. قامَ لِلأَيّامِ في أُذُني
واعِظٌ مِن شَأنِهِ الخَرَسُ
3. The body of the youth is renewed
By a temperament whose softness is harshness
٣. أَخلَقَت جِسمَ الفَتى جُدُدٌ
ذاتُ خُلقٍ لينُهُ شَرَسُ
4. After it a winter and a time
And after it a summer that is hot
٤. فَشِتاءٌ بَعدَهُ وَمَدٌ
وَمَصيفٌ إِثرَهُ قَرَسُ
5. I roamed around the water thirstily
Indeed my west has no place to alight
٥. لُبتُ حَولَ الماءِ مِن ظَمَإٍ
إِنَّ غَربي ما لَهُ مَرَسُ
6. How many lions the forests raised
What beast is there that doesn't get preyed on
٦. كَم أَبَنَّ الغابَ مِن أَسَدٍ
أَيُّ لَيثٍ لَيسَ يُفتَرَسُ
7. My disposition is an adversary battling me
How can I be on guard against myself
٧. مُهجَتي ضِدٌّ يُحارِبُني
أَنا مِنّي كَيفَ أَحتَرِسُ
8. Verily your world is a singing girl
Whose wedding was not gladdened by the groom
٨. إِنَّما دُنياكَ غانِيَةٌ
لَم يُهَنِّئ زَوجَها العُرُسُ
9. Umm Shibl above her is a lion cub
Whose prey is our killing and stoning
٩. أُمُّ شِبلٍ فَوقَها لِبَدٌ
ظُفرُها مِن قَتلِنا وَرِسُ
10. Split her with asceticism, armed
In your hands the sword and shield
١٠. فالِقَها بِالزُهدِ مُدَّرِعاً
في يَدَيكَ السَيفُ وَالتُرُسُ
11. If the appointed time of a horseman draws near
Bewildered, the steed does not race with him
١١. إِن دَنا مِن فارِسٍ أَجَلٌ
حارَ لا يَجري بِهِ الفَرَسُ
12. All whose death time arrived
No guards can defend them
١٢. كُلُّ مَن حانَت مَنيَّتُهُ
لَم يُدافِع دونَهُ حَرَسُ
13. No branch of a tree remains
Whose roots are not planted in death
١٣. لَيسَ يَبقى فَرعُ نابِتَةٍ
أَصلُها في المَوتِ مُغتَرِسُ
14. Every speaker informed me
Even the bell and the clapper
١٤. خَبَّرَتني كُلُّ ناطِقَةٍ
ذاكَ حَتّى الزيرُ وَالجَرَسُ