
Your world cared for you with the plentitude of affection, yet cared not for you in life with kindness and regard,

راعتك دنياك من ريع الفؤاد وما

1. Your world cared for you with the plentitude of affection, yet cared not for you in life with kindness and regard,
As if today a servant seeks a maid from a night when both worked hard in cooperation,

١. راعَتكَ دُنياكَ مِن ريعَ الفُؤادُ وَما
راعَتكَ في العَيشِ مِن حُسنِ المُراعاةِ

2. Yet your wicked mother did not protect you through any cause; rather she lost you in all kinds of ways,
Dwellings are built for finite lifetimes, demolished by time in breaths and hours,

٢. كَأَنَّما اليَومُ عَبدٌ طالِبٌ أَمَةً
مِن لَيلَةٍ قَد أَجَدّا في المُساعاةِ

3. If you want to meet Iblis submitting with the sword striking, then go to the groups,
You will find them in contradictory sayings, deviating from the truth, and secrets being divulged,

٣. وَأُمُّكَ السوءُ لَم تَحفَظكَ في سَبَبٍ
لا بَل أَضاعَتكَ أَصنافَ الإِضاعاتِ

4. They undertake immoralities even if sincere, and obeying their whims,
They said, and we said, claims that bring us no benefit, except harm and disputing in litigation,

٤. تَبني المَنازِلَ أَعمارٌ مُهَدَّمَةٌ
مِنَ الزَمانِ بِأَنفاسٍ وَساعاتِ

5. People earned through their bodies, so they degraded their souls with sins in their occupations,
And they sought provision through mouths, so they strove in attracting benefits through prose or rhyme.

٥. إِن شِئتَ إِبليسَ أَن تَلقاهُ مُنصَلِتاً
بِالسَيفِ يَضرِبُ فَاِعمِد لِلجَماعاتِ