1. If time is blamed for anything, it is the Lord of time that is meant
And time itself is but a servant and an attendant
١. إِذا قيلَ غالَ الدَهرُ شَيئاً فَإِنَّما
يُرادُ إِلَهُ الدَهرِ وَالدَهرُ خادِمُ
2. The origin of this sun tires your mind to grasp
And the heart knows it to be eternal
٢. وَمَولِدُ هَذي الشَمسِ أَعياكَ حَدُّهُ
وَخَبَّرَ لُبٌّ أَنَّهُ مُتَقادِمُ
3. The easiest of all beings beneath which every world subsists
And no bare, hard sword can reach the epochs
٣. وَأَيسَرُ كَونٍ تَحتَهُ كُلُّ عالمٍَ
وَلا تُدرِكُ الأَكوانَ جُردٌ صَلادِمُ
4. When they pass, they do not return, and behind them
Are similar epochs, past and future
٤. إِذا هِيَ مَرَّت لَم تَعُد وَوَراءَها
نَظائِرُ وَالأَوقاتُ ماضٍ وَقادِمُ
5. Nothing that is gone with their passing is lost
Nor is the renewed moment ever lacking
٥. فَما آبَ مِنها بَعدَما غابَ غائِبٌ
وَلا يَعدَمُ الحينَ المُجَدَّدَ عادِمُ
6. It is as if you had given souls to statues
And now regret having wasted them
٦. كَأَنَّكَ أَودَعتَ التَماثيلَ أَنفُساً
وَأَنتَ عَلى التَفريطِ في ذاكَ نادِمُ
7. Adam is not one in the way of reason
Rather, by analogy, he is perishable
٧. وَما آدَمٌ في مَذهَبِ العَقلِ واحِداً
وَلَكِنَّهُ عِندَ القِياسِ أَوادِمُ
8. The aims have differed of people and of one remembering
And one asking, and one longing, and one destroying
٨. تَخالَفَتِ الأَغراضُ ناسٍ وَذاكِرٌ
وَسالٍ وَمُشتاقٌ وَبانٍ وَهادِمُ